Tweet. Last picture turned out to be third-tallest mountain Kanchengjunga""Go #Exomars – have a great mission. I got to speak with one of my inspirational heroes Prof Stephen Hawking and his amazing daughter Lucy, who developed the Principia Space Diary to engage children with STEM subjects. Tasman Lake (largest at front) is at the foot of the Tasman glacier which runs along the front of them.

NASA astronaut Peggy Whitson has spent 665 days in space, more time than any other US astronaut. Enter your email to follow new comments on this article.Are you sure you want to mark this comment as inappropriate?Want to discuss real-world problems, be involved in the most engaging discussions and hear from the journalists? On her latest mission, Ms Whitson travelled 122.2 million miles and went round the Earth 4,623 timesAstronaut Peggy Whitson has touched down on Earth after clocking up a record length of time in space, breaking NASA’s record.The astronaut touched down from her latest mission on board the International Space Station after clocking up her total number of days to 665 – a world record for any other American or woman.She and her two crewmates, fellow NASA astronaut Jack Fischer and Russian cosmonaut Fyodor Yurchikhin, made a safe parachute landing in Kazakhstan just before 2.30am (local time) on Sunday.Ms Whitson also set other records, which included becoming the world’s oldest spacewoman at the age of 57 and also the most experienced female spacewalker with 10 outings.The biochemist, originally from Iowa, was also the first woman commander of the “I feel great,” the biochemist said during an in-flight interview. As impressive as these stats are, Russian astronauts will still have Kelly beat. the same level of attention, but we have preserved this area in the interests of open debate. Oahe Dam north of Pierre, South Dakota in the United States. The white lights on the left are fishing boats""Morning sun striking active volcanoes in Guatemala""Beautiful glacial river water flowing from this Patagonian ice field Lake Viedma, West is up""Sediment spilling into this mountain lake, Ethiopia""We have phases of ‘short nights’ on the International Space Station – sunlight is nearly always visible right now.

The Hooker Glacier flows out behind Mt Cook coming down to meet the Mueller Glacier on the left of the photo.

There are no Independent Premium comments yet - be the first to add your thoughts Earth has more in common with Mars than you might think… #AfricaArt""Some midday winter sun glinting off Greenland’s snow-capped peaks""Great texture in these huge sand dunes, Saudi Arabia""The dam makes this river look like a dragon’s tail. Here are the 15 US astronauts that have spent the most time off of …

Scott Kelly, who spent almost a year on the ISS as part of a study that also involved his twin brother, has logged a total of 520 days in space. The existing Open Comments threads will continue to exist for those who do not subscribe to Please real-world solutions, and more. Live Space Station Tracking Map. {{#sender.isSelf}} Astronaut Peggy Whitson breaks NASA’s record for longest time spent in spaceEmail already exists. try again, the name must be unique Researchers plan to compare the physiological differences between the brothers when the mission is over, to see how much space changes the body.As of today, no American has spent more consecutive days off of our planet than my twin brother Today marks 216 consecutive days for Kelly, who launched into space on March 27th of this year. Ronald Evans of Apollo 17 mission stayed in lunar … Explore ESA astronaut Tim Peake's stunning photos of Earth, taken from the International Space Station during his six month mission (captions by Tom Peake)"Every day spent living in space is a great day, but today was particularly special. newsletter

try again, the name must be unique The space station, including its large solar arrays, spans the area of a U.S. football field, … There are no Independent Premium comments yet - be the first to add your thoughts Add the Spot The Station Widget to your website . His compatriot Valeri Polyakov is the holder for the longest single stay in space, with 437 days and 18 hours on board the Mir space station. As well as talking about dark matter, quantum entanglement, alien life and light beam powered nanocraft we also got to see an amazing pass over the Bahamas and this - my favourite reef smile emoticon""Sunrise approaching Russia's frozen north-east coast""Is it just me or do I see some rocket flames down there? “I love working up here.